Wednesday, 21 August 2013

VisDare 34: Fearless

I think I am way too funny. 

‘Follow me and I’ll show you where the greenest grass is’ he said.  I should have never listened to that boy; he was always talking nonsense and going on about wolves. Mary is going to have a field day when she realises I’m gone, I follow her everywhere. And what on earth am I going to do when the people walk in? Maybe I should pretend to be the center piece, unless they're having lamb in which case my presence may become a little bit awkward.  Oh Dolly, how do you get yourself into these baaad situations? Sometimes I'm good and sometimes I'm bad, its like there are 2 of me. 


  1. O my. The layered puns and allusions in this one just made my day. Wonderful voice captured in the moment - great entry!! So glad you decided to join the VisDare family!! Hope to see more from you in the future. :)

  2. aww thank you:) you definitely will!
