Sunday, 4 August 2013

The Charade.


If I could be as happy as we once were time would be a luxury, not a friend of torture.  Knowing that the end was coming would haunt my dreams not bring me such comfort. Forever means nothing if you only live a day, if your heart only beats for a day if you only know love for a day. Piercing sounds of hate and the distant echoes of joy play round in my head making me so out of touch with what is going on in this world. You did that. If I run you will find me If I stay I will lose me. Little by little I fade into the darkness of this marriage, the toxic gases filling our four walls as we go on playing this charade. I have let you go in my heart; you can no longer hurt me with your iron fists or your words of anguish. I gave you my body, my heart, my kindness and love my freedom and yet you still want more. Will you only be happy when you have crippled my soul? I’m afraid I cannot stay to find out, I have a higher calling in this life than your glorified punch bag. I have life. A gift I must no longer take for granted. 

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