Monday, 5 August 2013

This Thing.

This thing will make you feel on top of the world, fill you with an emphatic, euphoric high you think is real. You suddenly question any doubts you had about fulfilment in life and wonder why you were ever down. The more you have the more of your soul you risk to lose. You don’t have to graft any more; you lose the idea of accomplishment.  You don’t have to do anything for yourself any more; you lose your common touch. You suddenly feel as if you are important and have a right to question norms and typical social behaviour because now you are a socially superior.  You are blind to the damage to your capital because your tool for destruction is only an 85.60 × 53.98 mm rectangle of smooth, slender polymer ready to be used. You can use it whenever, to obtain whatever and you can have it forever.

But then It stops, you fall and keep falling and are shocked because you didn't realise you were so high. You didn't realise it put you on the highest of pedestals and took away the ladder. All the old feelings of sadness and lack of drive begin to seep back into your brain warming the cockles of your heart putting you right back where you used to be. Your heart yearning for more wanting more like an addict you have to find more, but how? All you have is your, self respect, your morals, your faith and heart. Do you sell one of these to get back up there? Or do you remain content with what you have understanding that what you have to offer has more worth? You decide....

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