Friday, 1 March 2013

2/5: Dulce bellum inexpertis


“The idea of freedom is an absolute. Therefore I will never be emancipated from the guilt and pain I've endured until I have succeeded in acquiring the justice I deserve.  As I go on the lines between justice and revenge, fantasy and reality are merging into a grey that I am worried I will not be able to separate. I am not consumed by hatred because I know my heart still beats for those around me and I still want to love again, however, the priority of this event is being pushed into second place for my ever growing desire for freedom.”

For three days I sat there looking out of my window. It was almost as if I was waiting for something, waiting for someone or something to tell me what to do and where I was to go from here. Echoing voices and questions resounded in my head of whether I was to tell someone or just hope that he would never come back.  The gravity of what had happened was only resting on the surface and I knew deep down this was going to get worse before it got better.

I read this quote once ‘love is but the discovery of ours elves in others and the delight in the recognition’. There was no doubt that I loved him, I would have done anything for him. I gave him so much in terms of my time, my affection, my body there was nothing I wouldn't do for him. So If I was to love this man, a man that was capable of these horrific things I had seen a part of myself in him. That's what began to circle round and round in my head that I was like him. We shared the same fundamentals and at the time, I felt like, morals. I definitely didn't think he was capable of this so what was I capable of. If pushed what could I potentially do? Out of everything that had happened, the crime against my  womanhood and the violation of my sexuality the part of this horrific nightmare that would prove to haunt me was the idea that I was just like him.

About a week later I received a text message from him. When I saw his name pop up on my phone my heart started thumping against my chest. At this point the events that had taken place hadn't at all it was just a horrible nightmare that I was trying to forget. ‘After all that I left my stuff lol, let me know when is convenient to pick it up xxx’ I felt sick, not at the fact that it was him but at the fact he was pretending that all of this didn't happen. For a moment I felt real compassion, I thought he was trying to act like it didn't happen because he was so deeply sorry. All the questions and the name calling that had been circling around in my head was gone. Because of this I mindlessly said I would bring his stuff to him, not because I didn't want to be in my room but because I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable. I think it was because I was subconsciously holding on to the idea that he was a good man, and if he was then I was too.

After a few days of awkwardly exchanging texts I went to his flat to drop of his stuff. On the bus to his flat, I couldn’t help but make excuses for him. In my head I was guessing what he would say and running through all the possible explanations he could have for his behaviour that night. However, none of them involved the obvious notion that he may have just acted out of hatred.

“yo”. That's what he said to me, after everything that had happened all he could say was ‘yo’. So taken back with his insulting disregard for what had happened I replied in the same way.  After an awkward exchange of a few slang greetings he asked me if I wanted a drink. I accepted and we went into his living room to talk. “How’s work and that?” he asked almost convincing me that he cared. I replied and told him that work was going really well and that I was enjoying it.  As I was speaking he was looking through the bag of stuff that he had left at my house. I was rambling on about all the old people that I worked with when shouted “where is it”. I had absolutely no idea what he was talking about but I was getting scared, that head I had filled with anticipation for some sort of reconciliation between him and I was fading fast. I could see he was getting angrier and angrier each time he asked me, I told him that I didn't know where it was. He was looking for a lucky guitar pick that his father had given him when he was younger. My heart started to thud like it did before and I was feeling too many familiar emotions evoked by the events of the last time we were alone together. Just I was trying to catch my breath he grabbed me and pinned me up against the wall. All I could think was this is not happening right now. “you fucking stole it didn't you? you fucking bitch”.  There was a pause and a silence as we both tried desperately to catch our breath. “And about the other day you better not of told anyone or I swear to God I’ll fucking get you” I felt like I’d been hit by a bus, I wasn't even sure if my heart was still beating because I felt like I couldn't breathe. I pushed past him and ran for the door and kept running till I didn't recognise where I was.  I stood at the bus stopped staring into space in complete disbelief of what had happened. I had been fooled again. He had done what some would call unforgivable and I had despite everything still believed in him.

I woke up the next morning in a bit of daze. Still in complete disbelief about the events that had taken place over the last week or so. I was so hurt and confused about everything and all I wanted was for it all to go away. I had become very good at hiding how I felt and putting on a front to ensure no one would ever suspect anything different. So, I did what most human beings do when things get tough, I tried to forget and move on. I changed my number, blocked him on Facebook and lost contact with all of our mutual friends. As far as I was concerned I had deleted him from my life.

A few months passed and as far as I was concerned all that had taken place was a nightmare that took a little while to shake off. I was going out with friends and trying to enjoy my life again. Even though I kept up this charade, deep down I knew that this thing hadn't gone away. Guys had come onto the scene but I was still unable to even stand close to another man without breaking out in a cold sweat. It wasn't just effecting my emotions any more it was beginning to affect my life and everything in it, but then came Dylan....